Jaume Castan Pinos i Jeremy Sacramento

Jaume Castan Pinos (@CastanJaume) is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark, visiting researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, and Visiting Associate Professor at Sciences Po Strasbourg. He holds a Ph.D. in International Politics (Queen's University Belfast, 2011). His academic interests are framed by ethno-territorial conflicts, sovereignty and political violence. He has conducted extensive research in/on Catalonia, North Africa and former Yugoslavia. He is the author of 'Kosovo and the Collateral Effects of Humanitarian Intervention' (Routledge, 2019).

Jeremy Sacramento (@JAPSacramento) is currently an independent researcher focusing on paradiplomacy and substate governmental actors. He holds an MA in Public Policy from Kings College London and an MSc in International Security and Law from the University of Southern Denmark. Jeremy was also a current affairs columnist for the Gibraltar Chronicle between 2017 and 2019.

La Secretària d'Estat de l'España Global, Irene Lozano, un organisme creat expressament per combatre el discurs de l'independentisme català.
La Secretària d'Estat de l'España Global, Irene Lozano, un organisme creat expressament per combatre el discurs de l'independentisme català. | ThisIsTheRealSpain.com
Fins el 2010, Espanya havia evitat dur la qüestió catalana a l'àmbit internacional, una actitud que coincidia amb la narrativa d'"afer intern" | Cada cop més s'està convertint en la part més central del ministeri d'Exteriors
The Secretary of State for Global Spain, Irene Lozano, a body created specifically to confront the discourse of Catalan secessionism.
The Secretary of State for Global Spain, Irene Lozano, a body created specifically to confront the discourse of Catalan secessionism. | ThisIsTheRealSpain.com
Until 2010, Spain actively avoided tackling the Catalan question at the international level, a policy which matched the central government's narrative of this being of an 'internal nature' | This is no longer the case
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Cap de redacció: Bernat Ferrer
Cap de disseny i comunicació: Carme Garcia Fabón
Publicitat: publicitat@pensem.cat

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Una iniciativa de: Logotip de la Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana
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Llicència: CC BY-NC-ND
ISSN: 2696-306X


Amb la col·laboració de: Logotip de la Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de la Presidència